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New7Wonders Press Blog

We provided hosting and maintenance services for the N7W press blog.

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New7Wonders - Press Blog

About the client

The New7Wonders Foundation is a global initiative aimed at documenting and conserving monuments and other works of cultural significance around the world. Through their online voting platform, people from all corners of the globe can come together to support and vote for their favorite finalists. This democratic approach allows for a diverse range of cultural perspectives and fosters a sense of global community around the shared appreciation for these wonders of the world.


Our team played a critical role in the successful hosting and maintenance of the New7Wonders Press Blog. Utilizing the powerful platform WordPress, we optimized the site to handle high traffic peaks during the announcement of campaigns on radio and television. To ensure optimal performance and responsiveness, we implemented various caching layers, including AWS Cloudfront, Redis, and Vanish.

Our team also ensured that the website's design was user-friendly, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing, in line with the New7Wonders Foundation's commitment to documenting and conserving monuments worldwide. As a result, the New7Wonders Press Blog was able to provide the latest news and information on the campaigns, engage with users from around the world, and provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas.

By leveraging the latest technologies and our team's expertise, we were able to create a website that not only met the New7Wonders Foundation's objectives but also provided a seamless experience for users. The success of the site was a testament to our team's commitment to delivering high-quality results, ensuring that the New7Wonders Press Blog remained an essential resource for news and information on the world's wonders.


PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Wordpress, GIT, Github, HTML, CSS, AWS, Redis, Vanish

Project info:
New7Wonders - Press Blog
New 7 Wonders Foundation
icon for 'php'icon for 'mysql'icon for 'jquery'icon for 'wordpress'icon for 'git'icon for 'github'icon for 'html'icon for 'css'icon for 'aws'icon for 'redis'
Available for freelance projects

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